Saturday, October 13, 2012

Difference Between Tethered and Untethered Jailbreak

After know about the meaning of what is Jailbreak then the next what you should also know is about tethered and untethered jailbreak.The Both types of jailbreak is very important to know because it will greatly affect the tools that you use to jailbreak and you to treat the iPhone itself. Each time Apple issued a new iOS then the "Jailbreakers" will compete to find loopholes in the system that the iPhone uses iOS can be jailbroken. Usually for each version of the iOS version the tethered and untethered jailbreak is released. Tools for tethered jailbreak will be released first and then followed by an untethered. Well, let us discuss what type of the understanding of both the jailbreak. but before we start i also recommend you to read the disadvantage of jailbreak.

difference between tethered and untethered

Tethered Jailbreak Definition

Tethered jailbreak had the sense that every time you reboot the gadget that has been jailbroken the gadget will be stopped after the Apple logo appears. For the gadget that is not jailbroken after the Apple logo appears then the display "home" will appear and then you'll see the icons and all installed applications. Well, in order to restore a tethered gadgets then you have to connect it to iTunes and repeat the jailbreak process using tools that you used before. It's been my own experience when there is a friend who took his iPhone that can not be turned back. After asking him a few things I learned that the iPhone is the iPhone that has been jailbroken. Of course, the version used is a tethered jailbreak for the iPhone could not be rebooted. iPhone is finally able to live again after I asked the use again the tools that used to perform the first jailbreak, connect it to iTunes and re-install the jailbreak tools. How to do it? For that I will discuss in the next article because this article is focused to provide a sense of tethered and untethered jailbreak to you.

What Is Untethered Jailbreak

Untethered jailbreak is the opposite of tethered jailbreak. Gadget untethered jailbreak will be able to boot like a gadget that is not jailbreak. All functions of the gadget that is not there on the untethered jailbreak jailbreak you can find it. And not just that you also have complete control over these gadgets without any restrictions set on gadgets like Apple that is not jailbreak.

So Which one you will choise? Tethered or Untethered Jailbreak?

Tethered jailbreak does not have any advantages compared with the untethered jailbreak. As I have explained above, tethered jailbreak is usually out first than untethered. Tethered can be regarded as a version of the attempt to iOS Jailbreakers recently issued. Maybe it's just to be considered as the excess of tethered jailbreak if compared with untethered jailbreak.

For those of you who are still confused in deciding which type of jailbreak you have to choose then I recommend the jailbreak untethered. Besides, does not require a computer every time you want to reboot but also offers stability jailbreak for iOS version. Of course, the Jailbreakers are doing the jailbreak has more time in issuing an untethered jailbreak to view feedback from users who have used versions of his tethered jailbreak. Well, That is Only the information that I can give to you. Hopefully the information about tethered and untethered jailbreak can provide benefits to you.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Save The Home Button on Apple Device Using Zephyr

The Home button is a button that is very important on any apple device such as iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Thise Button role is so great to make the users panic if one day the button is damaged or does not work anymore. So Today i share how to avoid ipad home button from damage. ios-angel also have been give you some tips as to calibrate and use Assistive Touch . For additional information, Assistive Touch is a feature found in iOS 5, this feature is expected to replace the previous feature Multitask Gestures can be used on the iPhone and iPod Touch.

zephyr cydia display

Assistive Touch is very useful, but I do not like the extra white icons located on the screen. Although this white icon can be located anywhere at will.

This time ios-angel will provide tweaks that have a function that is not inferior to Multitask and Assistive Touch Gestures. Tweak was created by a developer Cydia named Grant Paul ( @ chpwn ), tweak called Zephyr was apparently welcomed by the users of iPhone and iPod touch. For more details, let's look at the ability of Zephyr.

Zephyr Cydia Features

Zephyr has a function which can replace both Multitask Gestures and Assistive Touch. The first feature is Swipe from Left and Right, which is useful for switching between one application to another application. The number of fingers used can also be set from one finger, four fingers. Then the next feature is Swipe from bottom, which is useful when we're opening an application and want to get back into the homescreen. Just like the previous feature, you can also set the number of fingers will you use to run this feature.
how to setting zephyr

Zephyr provides sensitivity level settings to run each feature. You can also set the Zephyr does not run when you're using the keyboard. Zephyr can also be arranged so as not to run on an application. Additional features found in version 1.3.4-1 Zephyr is the effect when opening Notification Center, where the Notification Center will appear to be behind the homescreen.


Zephyr Cydia you can get at a price of $ 4.99. Quite expensive indeed, but with functions that can be given, I think Zephyr appropriate for use on the iPhone and iPod Touch you. Zephyr can also be used on the iPad, but since the iPad still get the functionality Multitask Gestures, Zephyr will likely purchase a slight disadvantage.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Disadvantages Of Jailbreak On Apple Device

The Effect And Disadvantages of jailbreak - For now the jailbreak is already on legalization. programs to perform jailbreak was already released for free. In addition, the tutorial jailbreak also widely available on the internet, if want to do jailbreak you just select which ones you want to follow. If you still don't know about jailbreak you can read What is Jailbreak

However, even though legal but Apple still fighting and recommend people not to jailbreak. As described in the article " Process unauthorized modification of the iOS is a major source of instability, disruption of services, and the emergence of other problems ":
jailbreak bad effect

In the article described some of the disadvantages of jailbreak on iOS devices (iPhone / iPad / iPod touch) you. One disadvantage of jailbreak is written in the article is:

Yes, do the jailbreak means breaking end-user license agreement (EULA), which means Apple can refuse support or support to your device.
It is one of the disadvantages of jailbreak, and for more details please read the description below.

Risk And Disadvantage Do Jailbreak

  1. Potential to reduce the stability of the iDevice

    For example:
    - No application may crash. Can be caused by installing third-party applications that are not compatible iOS device or her.
    - Application is malfunctioning. Many causes, one of which can be caused by incompatible applications, both in memory requirements, screen, etc..
    - Unstable connection (eg Wi-Fi). This can be caused by a rudimentary jailbreak (for instance because it is still beta). To always use the jailbreak that has been prepared by the developer to the general requirements for the beta version is a trial version.
  2. Potential to feature an application fails

    One example is a new jailbreak recently released (5.0.1). iBooks can't read ebook that contains DRM. This occurs because iBooks can tell if a device has been jailbreaked. The patch for this issue has been released by the manufacturer jailbreaknya, but similar problems may occur in other applications.
  3. Increasing memory load

    There are some applications (from Cydia) that always runs every iDevice is turned on (startup), one example is SBSettings. Applications such as these have a service or daemon that is always executed whenever iDevice boot. The more service means more working memory, and the possibility of running out of memory it can happen. If you run out of memory then some running applications can be closed by itself. This problem is common in devices with low memory like the iPod touch 2G, iPhone 2G or iPhone 3G.
  4. Shorten the battery life

    Applications that are not compatible or memory consuming (typically from Cydia) may shorten the battery life. For a full explanation about these batteries please read this article .
  5. Can not do automatic software updates

    Automatic it means that update via OTA or Over The Air. Apple introduced the automatic update feature started since iOS 5. And since iOS 5 beta version released (for developers only) users are able to see these features attached to iOS 5. This feature is one of the features to look forward to because it is more practical than the update via iTunes. But unfortunately, this feature can not be enjoyed by its iDevice jailbreak users. If you keep forcing the OTA update on a device that already jailbreaked it will result in boot loop (boot repetitive), and a way out of this problem just restore via iTunes again.
ota failure on jailbreak

Besides some losses jailbreak already explained above, I also want to discuss some issues related to the jailbreak.
  • Is it after we can no longer jailbreak update iOS?
    - If you do the jailbreak on your iDevice, then you can not update iOS via OTA (Over the Air). At least now there is no way to solve this problem.
    - But, you can still update the iOS from iTunes as usual.
  • Is it after jailbreak i still be able to access the App Store or iTunes Store or other Apple services?
    Yes, it still can. iPhone that already jailbroken still able to open the iTunes Store, download the application from the App Store, and access other Apple services. iPhone / iPad / iPod touch that has jailbroken not the same as Microsoft Windows is hijacked, which will come to light when you visit the Microsoft website. Pirating Windows is illegal, while the jailbreak on your iPhone / iPad / iPod touch is legal. So even if you visit the websites of Apple devices already jailbroken your device will not be detected "pirated".

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

What is Jailbreak Definition On Apple Device

Meaning and Definition of Jailbreak On Iphone - Hello friends and apple gadget users fans. This time i will discuss a bit about this very famous gadget, the Apple Device ( iphone, ipad, ipod). Incidentally yesterday, i was discharged sell my iPhone 4S FU (factory unlocked) white. the buyer asking me "What is Jailbreak?". maybe he is one of many people that buy an iPhone but do not know what the Jailbreak. Indeed, most of the fans and smartphone users are already jailbreak their iPhone that looks more cool.

Starting from my friend's question, I finally finished explaining about Jailbreak definition. But perhaps he was so confused and still do not understand what it is jailbreak . Therefore, this time i will discuss about the meaning and definition Jailbreak Iphone. Want to know? So read through to the end ya guys

What is jailbreak

In essence, the definition of jailbreak is mengilangkan restrictions contained in the iPhone settings from the factory. That? Naahh so gini, the iPhone gives limits on the iPhone itself. So the iPhone is already jailbroken can be more cool and zoom can be more cool than default. And there are several applications that can not be run if your iPhone is not jailbroken. Still do not understand? Gini deh gampangannya, if the Android is such a nge-root, though not exactly the same but the bottom line like that, something like lah.

Why should do Jailbreak?

Like I said earlier, so that iPhone or your another Apple device are more free and without any kind of limits. And later on the iPhone you can install a wide range of applications that can change the look cool and become more attractive of course. And one more, you should know that now available a wide range of applications that interesting, cool, unique and certainly deserves to be added to your favorite gadget is the iPhone, and it all can only be installed when you Jailbreak it.

jailbreak definition mean

What is the worst risk as Jailbreak iPhone?

Well this is a part tthat a lot of people do not understand, that during the jailbreak process on an iphone, there is a risk when do it. When we download the jailbreak your iPhone it will automatically void the warranty iPhone, other than that if you failed to jailbreak the iPhone then maybe your favorite gadget will hard brick or apparently can not function at all.

Is the iPhone could return to normal if it fails in the Jailbreak?
There's some people that you can restore the original iPhone jailbreak as yet, so it can be returned to its original state or FS (factory setting). If my advice anyway, you better learn your iPhone first method, before the jailbreak.

Okay so as that our discussion this time about the iPhone 4s, eh point of Jailbreak on iPhone, hehehehe. Hopefully this article on Meaning and Definition Jailbreak Iphone At times this can be useful yaaaa, good luck for who want to Jailbreak his iPhone! Thank you for coming and see you guys ~